@hoogaseed_keepers_collective participation in the #GeneticDiversityFair2022 conducted by the Tamilnadu State Government in Erode District in Tamilnadu. Displaying more than 200+ varieties fresh from the farm, HOOGA SEED_KEEPERS_COLLECTIVE had a happy moment getting awarded the first prize in the fair. Thanks to Savithri amma and research students from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai who strongly took the community work on Seed keeping forward, as part of our project “Climate U” with University of London and TISS. Special thanks to Dr Sunil (Centre for Livelihoods and Social Innovation, TISS, Mumabi) and Prof. Tristan (University of London) who are guiding and mentoring us on this community based action research project on seed sovereignty and climate change.
We keep reiterating to talk about our indigenous/native/desi varieties of seeds as that will be our first step towards sowing the seeds of change. Today, we are pushed to talk about what was one’s our own, just made our communal harmony and collectiveness work much easier through exchange mechanisms. It’s just incredible to think that we thought food security can come through monoculture farming systems while our genetic diversity is at stake. Let’s keep sharing, talking and bring back our seeds.