New Sagvan (Acacia Springvale)

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Acacia Springvale is a versatile and beneficial tree variety known for its ornamental value, environmental benefits, and support for local biodiversity. Its ability to improve soil fertility, control erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife makes it a valuable addition to landscapes and ecological restoration projects. As with any plant, appropriate management is necessary to ensure it does not become invasive in non-native areas.

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Acacia Springvale, commonly referred to as Acacia parramattensis var. springvale, is a variety of Acacia parramattensis, which is also known as the Sydney Green Wattle or Parramatta Wattle. This variety is specific to certain regions and exhibits particular characteristics and benefits. Here is a detailed overview of Acacia Springvale:


  1. Appearance:
    • Height: Typically grows between 3-10 meters tall.
    • Leaves: Like many acacias, it has phyllodes instead of true leaves. These are green, slender, and somewhat curved.
    • Bark: Smooth and greenish-brown when young, becoming rougher and darker with age.
    • Flowers: Produces bright yellow, globular flower heads arranged in racemes. The flowers are fragrant and bloom in late winter to early spring.
    • Seeds: Forms seed pods that are flat and contain several hard seeds.
  2. Growth Habit:
    • It is a fast-growing tree that can quickly establish itself in a variety of environments. It has a dense, bushy growth habit.


  1. Ornamental:
    • Aesthetic Value: Due to its attractive foliage and bright yellow flowers, it is commonly used in landscaping and ornamental plantings.
    • Hedges and Screens: Its dense growth makes it suitable for creating hedges, windbreaks, and privacy screens.
  2. Environmental:
    • Soil Improvement: Like other acacias, it is a nitrogen-fixer, which helps improve soil fertility by enriching the soil with nitrogen.
    • Erosion Control: Its root system helps stabilize soil, making it useful for erosion control on slopes and degraded lands.
  3. Habitat and Biodiversity:
    • Wildlife Attraction: Provides habitat and food for various insects, birds, and small mammals. The flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Growing Acacia Springvale

  1. Climate:
    • Thrives in temperate to subtropical climates. It is well-adapted to the Australian climate but can be grown in similar conditions elsewhere.
  2. Soil:
    • Prefers well-drained soils but can tolerate a range of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils. It is often found in poor, rocky soils in its native habitat.
  3. Watering:
    • Drought-tolerant once established but benefits from regular watering during dry periods, especially in its early growth stages.
  4. Planting:
    • Can be grown from seeds or cuttings. Seeds may require pre-treatment, such as soaking in hot water, to improve germination rates.
  5. Maintenance:
    • Low-maintenance once established. Pruning can help maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. It does not typically require fertilization but can benefit from occasional feeding in poor soils.

Health and Ecological Benefits

  1. Ecosystem Services:
    • Improves soil health through nitrogen fixation.
    • Provides erosion control and stabilizes soil.
  2. Biodiversity Support:
    • Supports local wildlife by providing food and habitat.
    • Enhances biodiversity by attracting pollinators and other beneficial insects.


  1. Invasiveness:
    • In some areas, acacias can become invasive, outcompeting native vegetation. It’s essential to monitor and manage its spread in non-native environments.
  2. Pests and Diseases:
    • Susceptible to certain pests and diseases, although it is generally hardy. Regular monitoring and appropriate management practices can mitigate these issues.


Acacia Springvale is a versatile and beneficial tree variety known for its ornamental value, environmental benefits, and support for local biodiversity. Its ability to improve soil fertility, control erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife makes it a valuable addition to landscapes and ecological restoration projects. As with any plant, appropriate management is necessary to ensure it does not become invasive in non-native areas.


Weight20 g
Dimensions15 cm


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