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Organic Heirloom seeds, Tubers and Bulbs grown by small scale seed growers across India. Every seed you buy from us is supporting a small farmer to grow more heirloom seeds

About us

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HOOGA Seed Keepers_Collective is a farm based seed company working with home gardeners, individuals, women Self Help Groups (SHGs) and farmers across India who are dedicated to seed sovereignty, regenerative agriculture and sustainable indigenous food production. HOOGA is working to conserve the endangered and forage the extinct. HOOGA strongly believes that our huge agrobiodiversity can be protected only if all of us come together, commit to the cause, grow food naturally, observe and learn from nature and regenerate our endangered species and keep foraging our extinct.

Our Story

HOOGA (Helping Of Oppressed Generation Of Agriculturists) was born out of the realisation of how critical it is to protect our traditional heirloom seeds which can contribute to our global food security. When we came to know that there are more than 10 varieties of ladies finger available but only one green variety is commonly found, we were surprised. What happened to our other varieties of ladies finger and veggies and why is it not available in the market? Our past five years of work experience in the agriculture sector and climate change made us ponder over many questions as below:

  • Why native seeds are no more saved by farmers?
  • Why did farmers and our grandmothers stop storing seeds at home?
  • Why are we having only few varieties in our food plate while our agro bio-diveristy is so huge?
  • What actually happened during the green revolution?
  • What will happen if we don’t save and protect our indigenous and native seeds?
  • Why should we go Non-GMO?
  • What is the global seed politics and how can we bridge the gap?
  • How can farmers and gardeners bring back the habit of seed saving? And so on.

Our research and questions led us to HOOGA where we have created a collective space for as many farmers and gardeners to get involved in native seed production and be a part of this initiative to protect our future generations’ food security and fight against climate change. Every seed sold has a story and is produced at HOOGA farms and associated collective HOOGA Seed_Keepers. Most of our Seed_Keepers are enthusiastic organic food growers who started to grow their own organic food and seed by themselves.We together understand how important this seed conservation, exchange and sharing work is, for ensuring that we atleast protect what is remaining with us. ‘Conserving the Endangered & Foraging the Extinct’ varieties of vegetables, millets, fruits and trees is our mantra.

We felt the urgent need to work collectively to get involved in native seed production and these native seeds must be able to be available easily for anyone looking to grow them. Our traditions are of high cultural importance and every seed has its own cultural origin. Every Seed has a story and HOOGA is capturing the seed stories across places and we work on an action research project on the same. 

HOOGA strives hard to identify those varieties that have the native ability to produce much enough to feed a family and are powerfully resistant against natural calamities.

Our Team

Ms Sowmya Balasubramaniam

Position: Founder & MD
Categories: Our Team

Born in an agriculture family background, Sowmya has been a rustic person since her childhood observing, learning, working and growing up in her family farm based out of Erode in Tamil Nadu. She did her under-graduation in Information technology and worked with TCS for couple of years. Starting to volunteer with NGOs then, she realized her strong love to work for grassroots level communities with specific focus on agriculture sector. With strong passion to work for people and planet, Sowmya did her Masters in Social Work – Livelihoods and Social Entrepreneurship from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. She excelled highly in academics bagging all the awards during her academic stint. With five plus years of experience working with farming communities across India from the central himalayas to coastal south on sustainable livelihood and climate change, Sowmya founded HOOGA SEED KEEPERS COLLECTIVE, a social enterprise majorly focused on native seed keeping effort as a collective effort with farmers, gardeners and food growers to conserve what is endangered and forage for what is extinct. Sowmya focuses on experimenting with climate resilient native varieties of heirloom seeds, supporting small farmers – educating and creating awareness about native seeds and regenerative farming. She is a passionate community worker, seed nerd and sustainable business research consultant. She is very keen on contributing to the global ‘grow your own food’ movement to ensure food security, combat climate change and seed sovereignty.

Ms Sowmya Balasubramaniam

Founder & MD

Born in an agriculture family background, Sowmya has been a rustic person since her childhood...

Ms Nikita Gundecha

Position: Program Manager
Categories: Our Team

On a sabbatical after working in the Pharma sector for over 6 years, a life skills workshop shifted her worldview and turned out to be a game changer on her life journey. She has been inspired by sustainable lifestyle practices ever since and the environmental crisis that we are facing deeply concerns her. She believes in leading by example and practises an almost zero waste lifestyle, veganism and kitchen gardening. She has experience facilitating waste segregation and recycling curriculums for kids , composting workshops and has also worked with an NGO on end to end waste management. Over the past year, her time was mostly spent volunteering on community farms in South India.

Ms Nikita Gundecha

Program Manager

On a sabbatical after working in the Pharma sector for over 6 years, a life...

Mr Karthik

Position: Native Food Educator
Categories: Our Team

Karthik is a maker , creative artist, food enthusiast – loves to explore fermented foods. He is also an urban gardener, passionate about value addition in agriculture produce and making eco-friendly products. Karthik actively facilitates work with farmers, urban gardeners for workshops of HOOGA and plays an important role in creating awareness amongst those who are growing food on native heirloom varieties of seeds.

Mr Karthik

Native Food Educator

Karthik is a maker , creative artist, food enthusiast – loves to explore fermented foods....

Mr Keshav

Position: Podcast Coach
Categories: Our Team

At the Outset, Keshav, A Bcom CS Grad, with 4+ years of corporate experience in various roles. With all positivity and spirit, I have been working on building and enhancing a career and journey that suits my health ailments .A Spirited Soul, Former Customer Relationship Officer and Educational Counselor by profession and a Voice Artist and Motivational Speaker and Podcast Coach by Passion. An energetic and Budding Entrepreneur, for the Motivational HUB Called “The ANJAS MINDCAST “

Mr Keshav

Podcast Coach

At the Outset, Keshav, A Bcom CS Grad, with 4+ years of corporate experience in...

Mr Nandha Kumar

Position: Native tree seed educator
Categories: Our Team

Very passionate about forest, wildlife and biodiversity conservation, Mr Nandha is actively supporting work with communities on seed keeping of native tree species. Mr Nandha runs Biodiversity Conservation Trust and with ten plus years of experience in living in forest, learning about nature and wildlife, Mr Nandha believes strongly in native species of plants and trees as the core for living beings. He is also an environmentalist and talks more on creating awareness on issues that harms our mother earth.

Mr Nandha Kumar

Native tree seed educator

Very passionate about forest, wildlife & biodiversity conservation, he is actively supporting ...


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