Organic Heirloom seeds, Tubers and Bulbs grown by small scale seed growers across India. Every seed you buy from us is supporting a small farmer to grow more heirloom seeds


Position: Seed Keeper
Categories: Seed Keepers

Stepping into organic farming for healthy food, Mrs Suhara’s entice for growing rare indigenous varieties of vegetables started growing day by day. With backyard farming in a beautifully located village in Palakkad Kerala, Mrs Suhara is a fascinating home maker who became an organic food grower and seed enthusiast now. She grows more than 30 varieties of rare indigenous varieties of chillies, ladies finger, air potatoes, tubers and other creepers. She writes amazing poems describing her farm experiences and composes songs out of them. You can visit our to listen to her voices and story behind her interest in native traditional seed conservation. Mrs Suhara has a seed bank which contains very good quality native seeds. Being a home gardener and small farmer, Mrs Suhara makes a great additional income source through her seed keeping activities. She also shares seeds and food grown with her neighbours. Her fermentation skills is a must mention, especially with regards to jackfruit and chillies preserved naturally. Mr Muhammad, her husband helped her break the social stereotypes while other women in their community are not let out of for work or showcase their potential. Mrs Suhara is now a happy seed grower, farmer, and organic farming educator.

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