Bixa Orellana Tree seeds

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Bixa Orellana Tree seeds


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Bixa Orellana Tree seeds

Bixa orellana, commonly known as Achiote or Annatto, is a tropical shrub or small tree native to the Americas. In the United States, it’s sometimes referred to as “American Jaffra.” Here’s a breakdown of the key details:


  • Appearance: Bixa orellana is a shrub or small tree that grows up to 6-10 meters tall. It has heart-shaped leaves and produces clusters of bright pink or white flowers.
  • Fruit: The plant is most notable for its spiky, red seed pods, which contain numerous small seeds. These seeds are coated with a waxy, reddish-orange substance that is the primary source of annatto.


  • Culinary: The seeds of Bixa orellana are commonly used to produce annatto, a natural food coloring, and flavoring. It imparts a yellow to orange color to foods and is often used in cheese, butter, margarine, rice, and various other dishes.
  • Traditional Medicine: In various cultures, parts of the plant, including the leaves and seeds, are used in traditional medicine. They are believed to have properties that help in treating various ailments like digestive issues, fevers, and skin conditions.
  • Cosmetics and Dyes: The natural dye extracted from the seeds has been used historically in cosmetics and for body painting, particularly by indigenous peoples in South America.


  • Climate: Bixa orellana thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. It requires a warm, humid environment with plenty of sunlight.
  • Soil: The plant prefers well-drained, fertile soil but can tolerate a range of soil types.
  • Propagation: It is commonly propagated from seeds, although cuttings can also be used.

Cultural Significance

  • Indigenous Use: In many indigenous cultures in the Americas, the bright red dye from the seeds has been used for centuries as body paint and for ritualistic purposes.
  • Economic Importa
  • nce: Today, Bixa orellana is grown commercially in several countries, including Brazil, Peru, the Philippines, and some parts of the United States, primarily for the production of annatto.


  • Consumption: Generally considered safe when used in food products, though some individuals may experience allergic reactions to annatto.
  • Medicinal Use: When used in traditional medicine, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider, as the effects can vary.

Bixa orellana, with its vibrant seeds and versatile uses, remains an important plant both economically and culturally in many regions around the world.

Weight30 g


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