Cluster Ridgegourd vegetable Seeds

Original price was: ₹120.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

Cluster Ridgegourd vegetable Seeds

Quantity: 20seeds

Unique rare variety which produces ridgegourd in clusters which are ovalish round in shape. You will see 3 to 5 fruits in a cluster. This variety was identified during our cultural seed yatra trip to the remote areas of Maharashtra.


Cluster Ridgegourd vegetable Seeds

Cluster Ridge Gourd which can produce 5-6 fruits in a single cluster. It’s a vine that fruits for a longer period, short round shaped fruit having thick skin ridges with spongy soft pulp inside. Fruit is sweet but has low glycemic index, contains carotenoids a rich antioxidant helps in warding of cancer and slows ageing. Dried gourd can be used as natural body scrub.

The botanical name of Cluster Ridgegourd vegetable Seedsis Luffa acutagnula Roxb. It is a member of the cucumber family and contains plenty of water and dietary fibers. It has a very low amount of saturated fats. It is also an excellent source of Vitamin A.

It is best consumed when still tender and green. It may be allowed to mature, cleared of all seeds, and used as a bath or kitchen sponge, also known as loofah. Gourds (Cucurbitaceae) are among the oldest cultivated plants.

They were the early water bottles of the Egyptians (2200 or 2400 B.C.), and were traditionally used as utensils, storage containers, and dippers by indigenous peoples in North America. Most gourds are native to tropical or warm temperate climates. They require a long growing season to mature and are killed by frost.

Days to Germinate: 7-14 days

Days to Harvest: 60-75 days

How to Grow: Warm and humid climate is favourable for its growth and development. The optimum temperature requirement is 25-30 degrees Celsius. Ridge gourd can be grown in all kinds of soil but loam, clay loam and silt soil are best suited for its cultivation.

Proper drainage is highly beneficial. The plant prefers soil with pH levels of 5.5 – 6.8. The plants can be grown with a spacing of 1.5 to 2.5m (row to row) x 60 to 120cm (plant to plant).

Sowing Season: Ridge gourd is cultivated both as a summer and rainy season crop. It is a summer crop, grown from January to April. It can also be grown in the rainy season, from June to July. In the hills of Meghalaya, the seeds are sown in April. Germination Rate: 75%+

Seed Preservation: You too can be a seedkeeper and help HOOGA in the fight to preserve native seeds. To preserve gourd seeds, one must simply scoop them out of the fruit and later shade dry and store the seeds that come out. You can also make use of wood ash, cow dung or hay to aid in the process. Call us to know more!

Weight25 g
Dimensions11 × 8.5 × 11 cm


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