Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) is a versatile and fast-growing tree species commonly used in agroforestry systems, soil improvement, animal fodder, and as a source of firewood. It is native to Central America but has been widely introduced to tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Characteristics of Gliricidia

  1. Appearance:
    • Height: Typically grows to a height of 10-12 meters.
    • Leaves: Pinnate leaves with 7-25 leaflets that are bright green and oval-shaped.
    • Flowers: Produces attractive clusters of pink, white, or lilac flowers, which can enhance the aesthetic value of the landscape.
    • Pods: The seed pods are long and flat, containing 4-10 seeds each.
  2. Growth Habit:
    • Gliricidia is a deciduous tree, shedding its leaves during the dry season. It is known for its rapid growth and ability to sprout from cuttings, making it easy to propagate.

Uses of Gliricidia

  1. Agroforestry:
    • Gliricidia is commonly used in agroforestry systems due to its ability to improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. It can be intercropped with other crops, providing shade, reducing soil erosion, and enhancing overall farm productivity.
  2. Soil Improvement:
    • The tree’s roots harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which enrich the soil with nitrogen, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Additionally, its leaves can be used as green manure to improve soil organic matter content.
  3. Animal Fodder:
    • The leaves and young shoots of gliricidia are high in protein and make excellent fodder for livestock. It is particularly valuable during the dry.
Weight15 g
Dimensions15 cm


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