It seems that you’re referring to “Kanchan Bahunia Parpuia,” but the name seems unclear. There might be some confusion or a typo in the name. If you are referring to a plant, the genus Bauhinia might be what you have in mind. Bauhinia is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family (Fabaceae), commonly known as orchid trees, and they are often associated with names like “Kanchan” in South Asia.

Here’s a brief overview of Bauhinia:

Bauhinia Overview

  • Common Names: Orchid tree, Kachnar (in India and Pakistan), Mountain Ebony.
  • Scientific Name: Bauhinia spp.
  • Description: Bauhinia trees or shrubs are known for their orchid-like flowers, which come in colors like white, pink, purple, or red. The leaves are often bilobed, resembling a heart or a pair of butterfly wings.
  • Habitat: These plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. They are commonly found in gardens and along roadsides.
  • Uses:
    • Ornamental: Due to their striking flowers, Bauhinia species are popular as ornamental trees in parks and gardens.
    • Medicinal: Some species have medicinal uses in traditional medicine, where parts of the plant are used to treat various ailments.
    • Culinary: In some cultures, the buds and leaves are consumed as vegetables.

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Weight15 g


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