“Safed Kikar,” commonly known as “White Babool” or scientifically as Vachellia leucophloea (previously Acacia leucophloea), is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. Here are some detailed aspects of this tree:


  • Height: Typically grows up to 10-15 meters tall.
  • Bark: Has a distinctive white to pale yellow bark, which is why it’s called “Safed” (meaning white in Hindi).
  • Leaves: Bipinnate leaves with small, delicate leaflets.
  • Thorns: Possesses sharp thorns, common to many Acacia species.
  • Flowers: Produces creamy white or pale yellow flowers that appear in spherical clusters.
  • Pods: The seed pods are flat and contain several seeds.


  • Timber: The wood is used for furniture, construction, firewood, and charcoal.
  • Medicinal: Traditional medicinal uses include treatments for skin diseases, wounds, and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Fodder: The leaves and pods are used as fodder for livestock.
  • Tannin: Bark and pods contain tannins used in the leather tanning industry.

Ecological Importance

  • Soil Improvement: Helps in nitrogen fixation, improving soil fertility.
  • Erosion Control: The extensive root system helps in controlling soil erosion.
  • Habitat: Provides habitat and food for various wildlife species, including birds and insects.


  • Climate: Thrives in dry, arid climates and can tolerate a variety of soil types, including poor, rocky soils.
  • Propagation: Can be propagated from seeds, which may require scarification to improve germination rates.


  • Native Range: Found in the Indian subcontinent, including India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
  • Introduced Range: Also found in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa.

Notable Features

  • Drought Resistance: Highly drought-resistant, making it suitable for arid and semi-arid regions.
  • Cultural Importance: Often used in traditional medicine and local agroforestry practices.

The Safed Kikar or White Babool is valued for its durable wood, medicinal properties, and ecological benefits, making it an important tree in its native regions.

Weight15 g
Dimensions15 cm


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