Water Spinach (Vallal Keerai / Thanneer Keerai/ Kangu keerai)

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Quantity: 40 seeds


Water Spinach (வள்ளல் கீரை, தண்ணிக்கீரை in Tamil) is a highly nutritious and versatile plant (Cabbage Family) that can be easily incorporated into various culinary dishes and has a history of medicinal use. Its rapid growth and environmental benefits make it a valuable addition to gardens, especially those with access to water sources.

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a fast-growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial plant in the Brassicaceae family, which also includes mustard, radish, and horseradish. Known for its peppery flavor and rich nutrient content, watercress is a popular leafy green used in culinary and medicinal applications.

Characteristics of Watercress

  1. Appearance:
    • Leaves: Small, rounded to slightly oval leaves with a glossy surface.
    • Stems: Hollow and buoyant, allowing the plant to float on water surfaces.
    • Flowers: Small, white, and clustered in a corymb, blooming in spring and summer.
    • Height: Typically grows 4 to 10 inches tall, but can sprawl out along water surfaces.
  2. Growth Habit: Watercress grows rapidly in cool, clean, slow-moving water and can spread quickly through its roots and stems.

Nutritional Benefits

Watercress is highly nutritious, offering numerous health benefits:

  1. Vitamins: High in vitamins A, C, and K.
  2. Minerals: Rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron.
  3. Antioxidants: Contains antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein, which help protect against oxidative stress.
  4. Phytochemicals: Contains glucosinolates, which have been studied for their potential cancer-fighting properties.
  5. Low-Calorie: Low in calories, making it a nutrient-dense food.

Culinary Uses

Watercress is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes:

  1. Salads: Commonly used raw in salads for its peppery flavor and crunchy texture.
  2. Sandwiches: Adds a fresh, spicy element to sandwiches and wraps.
  3. Soups: Used in soups, such as watercress soup, where it adds a unique flavor and nutritional boost.
  4. Garnishes: Used as a garnish for various dishes, including meats and fish.
  5. Smoothies: Blended into smoothies for added nutrients.

Growing Watercress

Watercress can be grown in gardens, hydroponic systems, or containers:

  1. Soil and Water: Prefers nutrient-rich, waterlogged soil or hydroponic systems with slow-moving water. Can also be grown in containers filled with water.
  2. Sunlight: Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
  3. Watering: Requires a constant supply of clean water. It’s essential to maintain a consistent water level to keep the plant hydrated.
  4. Planting: Can be propagated from seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be sown in a wet, sunny location, while cuttings can be placed in water until they develop roots.
  5. Maintenance: Regular harvesting encourages new growth and helps prevent flowering, which can make the leaves bitter.


  1. Timing: Harvest when the plants are young and tender, usually within 4 to 6 weeks of planting.
  2. Method: Cut the stems just above the waterline, leaving some leaves behind to encourage regrowth.

Pests and Diseases

Watercress can be affected by certain pests and diseases:

  1. Aphids: Can be controlled with insecticidal soap or by introducing natural predators.
  2. Snails and Slugs: Can be a problem in some areas, especially in outdoor watercress beds.
  3. Fungal Diseases: Proper water circulation and spacing can help prevent fungal infections.

Uses in Traditional Medicine

Watercress has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes:

  1. Digestive Health: Believed to aid in digestion and stimulate appetite.
  2. Respiratory Health: Used to treat coughs and colds due to its high vitamin C content.
  3. Skin Health: Applied topically to improve skin conditions and used in remedies for various skin ailments.

Environmental Importance

  1. Water Purification: Watercress can help filter and purify water in natural and constructed wetlands.
  2. Erosion Control: The plant’s dense root system can help stabilize soil and prevent erosion along water bodies.

Watercress is a highly nutritious and versatile plant that can be easily incorporated into various culinary dishes and has a history of medicinal use. Its rapid growth and environmental benefits make it a valuable addition to gardens, especially those with access to water sources.

Weight15 g


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